In response to a number of requests asking if we would conduct a workshop in California
immediately following the Large-Format Photography Conference in Monterey, organized by
Steve Simmons and View Camera Magazine, we are announcing a two-evening, one-day
workshop. This workshop will be the same as the Vision and Technique Workshop that
we conduct in Bucks County without the darkroom part.
On the first evening, Sunday, April 25th (about two hours after the final time for
any Conference activities), we will begin by taking a brief look at participants'
photographs. (We will look at them again more carefully the following evening.) We
will then spend considerable time showing and discussing our own work. In this
context, we talk about our photographs in terms of the visual concerns we have and
our approach to "seeing." This will not be a "we went here and did this" type of
presentation. To our surprise, a number of participants at our Vision and Technique
Workshops have reported that this was one of the most informative and rewarding parts
in terms of their own work.
The next day we will meet at Point Lobos, or another location nearby, where Paula
will spend time looking on the ground glass with each participant, demonstrating a way
to use the camera as a tool for fresh discovery. We have rarely encountered other
photographers who use a camera this way. This has nothing to do with using swings
and tilts, but is about how to approach any subject in a truly visual manner. If
you have not experienced this before, we guarantee that it will open your eyes to
new visual possibilities and will enrich your photographing experience beyond what
you may have imagined.
Michael will demonstrate how he approaches his selected subject and the ways in which
he does not limit himself to accepting his first response.
And of course, we will both be there to answer any questions you might have regarding
use of filters, exposure, or anything else that you think might help you in your
own work.
That evening, after dinner, we will look carefully at each participant's photographs
and make comments that we hope you will find to be most useful.
This workshop is essentially similar to our Vision and Technique Workshop but without
any of the darkroom demonstrations.
The workshop fee is $250 and limited to 12 participants. To reserve a place, please
send a $50 deposit. The balance is due by April 1. The deposit is fully refundable
until April 1. Should you have to drop out after that, the balance is refundable if
we can fill your place.
Workshop participants will be offered discounts on all of our books.