Chemicals: Artcraft Chemicals
The best prices for all photography chemicals. And the owner, Mike Jacobson, is a great guy
and always willing to go out of his way to accommodate special requests if at all possible.
Kits of Amidol with our formula are available for printing on Azo.
Phone: weekdays 1-800-682-1730 between 5:30 and 7:30 PM ET or all day on weekends.
Chemicals: Photographer's Formulary
Kits of Amidol with our formula are available for printing on Azo.
Phone: 1-800-922-5255
Mat Board and Mat Cutting: Superior Archival Materials
They have ArtCare mat board, the best mat board on the planet.
It is the only board we will even consider using. And Allen and Phyllis Geiser,
the owners, understand customer service as well as anyone. Their overmat cutting
service is the best and is very reasonable. We haven't cut an overmat of our own
since we started using this service.
1-888-857-1722 Eastern time
Camera and shutter repair and lens mounting: Camera Wiz
Frank Marshman takes care of all of our lenses and shutters. He is an absolute pleasure to deal with.
(not up yet)
Frank Marshman, 1-800-471-8133
Used Camera Equipment: Quality Camera
The best source for used cameras and lenses.
Jeff Wheeler 1-404-881-8700
Contact Printing Frames
We recently learned of the Contact Printing
Frames made by Dan Pelland. Not only are they finely crafted, as are most contact
printing frames these days, but at our suggestion Dan added a brass channel so
that the brass springs cannot gouge and splinter the wood. He also made the 8x10
frame slightly oversize-9x11-so that the edge of the negative and print are not
obscured by the edge of the frame. Highly recommended. or
Filters and Lens Shades: Harrison and Harrison
We just started using them recently. H & H will make up any filter
in any size. They also have folding rubber lens shades and retaining
rings, and they are a pleasure to deal with.
(not up until 2003)
Tripods: Ries Camera Co.
We think Ries tripods are the best. Edward Weston used a Ries, so they must make great photographs.
Bellows: Camera Bellows
Ask for Tony Eaton. He'll make up any bellows you need. We just started using them and are more than pleased.
44-121-440-1695 in the United Kingdom
Black and White magazine
It is hard to believe that Editor and Publisher Henry Rasmussen has been
able to make such a splendid magazine in only a few years. We advertise on pages
two and three in every issue.
Subscriptions: Box 700 Arroyo Grande, CA 93421 or call Henry direct at 1-805-967-8161
Nitrile Gloves: Best Manufacturing Co.
Nitrile gloves are impervious to hazardous chemicals, dry easily,
and fit well with no slipping. Best Mfg. the manufacturer.
They will refer you to a distributor in your area.