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Letter to a Young Photographer  by Michael A. Smith. Originally published in Calumet Newsletter #6, 1997. Reprinted in LensWork Quarterly, Issue #24, 1999.
On Teaching Photography  by Michael A. Smith. Originally published in Exposure, the Journal of the Society for Photographic Education, February 1976.
Intentions & Techniques  by Michael A. Smith. Originally published by Lehigh University, 1987, in the catalogue for the fourth Intentions and Techniques exhibition.
How to Print on 100-Year Old Paper- The Azo and Amidol Story  by Michael A. Smith. Originally published in View Camera Magazine, July/August, 1996.
Azo Update 2000  by Michael A. Smith. 1999. This is an expanded version of the article that was orginally published in View Camera Magazine, March/ April 2000.
On Printing-And Why There is No Such Thing as a Difficult Negative to Print  by Michael A. Smith. This is an expanded version of the article that was orginally published in View Camera Magazine, May/June, 1998.
Developing by Inspection  by Michael A. Smith. Originally published in View Camera Magazine, May/June, 1999.
Advances in Archival Mounting and Storage  by Michael A. Smith. Originally published in View Camera Magazine, November/Devember, 2000.
Developers, An Introduction  by Michael A. Smith. To be published in View Camera Magazine.