You have arrived. Your vision and techniques are refined and accomplished.
Now you want to market your work and possibly even make a living from it.
How do you go about it? This workshop will answer that question.
Since 1975, Michael A. Smith has made his living from the sale of his photographs as art,
and since 1990, when he married photographer Paula Chamlee, they have continued supporting
themselves through the sale of their photographs. For this workshop, Michael and Paula will
be joined by Mary Virginia Swanson who has an active consulting business, helping
photographers identify an appropriate path for their work to desired markets.
Between Michael and Paula and Swanee, all bases will be covered. Some of the topics will include:
- Selling your photographs to collectors, corporations, and museums
- Gallery representation. Is it for you? The pros and cons of gallery representation and how to plan for marketing your images to the gallery arena.
- Marketing your work to stock houses and to the advertising and design communities
- Publishing your work (Smith and Chamlee own Lodima Press)
- Exhibition opportunities
The workshop will run from Friday evening through Sunday afternoon and will be limited to 15 participants.
Workshop Fee: $695