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Brief Career Chronology

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Photographs Published in




Other Professional Activities

Born, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Earns B.S. in Pre-Law, Temple University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Self-taught as a photographer. Uses 35mm camera until March 1967.
Begins using 8x10 view camera. Continues to do so to date.
Teaches own private photography classes, which are primary means of support. During this time spends full work week on own photography.
Instructor in Photography, part-time, Philadephia College of Art, Philadelphia, PA.
Instructor in Photography, part-time, Bucks County Community College, Newtown, PA.
Travels 8 months, 31,000 miles, photographing throughout Western US and Canada.
Prints negatives from previous year's trip.
Receives National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) Photographer's Fellowship.
Begins using 8x20 view camera. Takes second long trip to West.
Photographs throughout Western United States for third time.
Receives commission by The Toledo Museum of Art to photograph city of Toledo, Ohio.
Founds Lodima Press and publishes LANDSCAPES 1975–1979, a limited edition monograph in two volumes with an introduction by James Enyeart, Director, Center for Creative Photography, Tucson, Arizona. LANDSCAPES 1975–1979 awarded Le Grand Prix du Livre, International Festival of Photography, Arles, France. Completes Toledo commission.
Artist in Residence, Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona. Travels and photographs in Southwest a fourth time.
Travels and photographs in Midwest.
Begins using 18x22 view camera. Travels in Europe. Receives commission to photograph Princeton, New Jersey. Travels and photographs in South and Southwest.
Receives commission to photograph New Orleans, Louisiana. Completes Princeton commission.
Completes New Orleans commission.
Prints large backlog of negatives.
Photographs as Artist in Residence, Yosemite National Park.
Receives commission by ART IN PUBLIC PLACES, Broward County, Florida, to photograph a multi-ethnic community in northern Broward County.
Marries Paula Chamlee, painter and photographer. Together they travel and photograph throughout Western United States and Canada.
Together with Paula Chamlee, travels and photographs throughout Western United States.
MICHAEL A. SMITH: A VISUAL JOURNEY—Photographs From Twenty-Five Years. Traveling Exhibition originating at the International Museum of Photography at George Eastman House, Rochester, New York. With accompanying monograph, published by Lodima Press. Begins Bucks County, Pennsylvania, project.
Together with Paula Chamlee, travels and photographs throughout the Southwest.
Founds the Institute for Photographic Studies. Begins two series: nudes, oceans. Photographs in Prague, Czech Republic.

Receives Pennsylvania Council on the Arts Photographer’s Fellowship. Teaches at Deep Springs College. Begins a series of photographs of the students of the college.
Returns to Deep Springs College to complete series of photographs of the students. Photographs in San Francisco and in Bucks County, Pennsylvania.
Begins Tinicum Township project—photographs in home territory.
Photographs in New England, Minnesota, and Texas.
Travels and photgraphs in Europe, mostly in Tuscany.
Again travels and photographs in Europe, mostly in Tuscany. Publishes first book of portraits, The Students of Deep Springs College. Conducts workshops in the United States.
Again travels and photographs in Europe; once again mostly in Tuscany. Conducts workshops in the United States and in Europe. Conducts workshops in the United States.
Teaches Master Class (with Paula Chamlee) at Montgomery College, Rockville, Maryland. Photographs in the west. Conducts workshops in the United States.
Photographs in Baja California. Conducts workshops in the United States.
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National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) Photography Fellowship.
The Toledo Museum of Art commission to photograph the city of Toledo, Ohio.
Le Grand Prix du Livre Photographique, 1981 (Best Photographic Book of the Year), International Festival of Photography, Arles, France, for LANDSCAPES 1975–1979, a two-volume monograph published by Lodima Press, Revere, Pennsylvania.
National Endowment for the Arts and Ford Fund grants for Artist in Residence, Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona.
Heberton Field Williams Award, The Print Club, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (59th Annual International Print Competition)
Princeton Gallery of Fine Art and Art Ventures commission to photograph Princeton, New Jersey
The Historic New Orleans Collection commission to photograph the city of New Orleans, Louisiana.
"Michael A. Smith, Photographer," feature story on SUNDAY MORNING with Charles Kuralt, CBS, September 8, 1985
Who’s Who in the East, 21st Edition
Board of Governors Prize, The Print Club, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and The Print Club Selection Prize (62nd Annual International Competition)
First Prize, Third Annual Bucks County Juried Photography Show, Bucks County Council For The Arts, Doylestown, Pennsylvania
The Juror's Photography Award, The Print Club, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (63rd Annual International Competition)
Artist in Residence, Yosemite Museum, Yosemite National Park, California
Who’s Who in American Art
ART IN PUBLIC PLACES, Broward County, Florida, commission to photograph in northern Broward County
Pennsylvania Council on the Arts: Photographer’s Fellowship
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Akron Art Museum, Akron, Ohio
Allen Memorial Museum of Art, Oberlin College, Oberlin, Ohio
Allentown Museum of Art, Allentown, Pennsylvania
Amarillo Art Center, Amarillo, Texas
Amoco Production Company, Houston, Texas
Amon Carter Museum of Art, Fort Worth, Texas
Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois
Amon Carter Museum of Art, Fort Worth, Texas
Baltimore Museum of Art, Baltimore, Maryland
Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris, France
Blanden Memorial Art Museum, Fort Dodge, Iowa
Boca Raton Museum of Art, Boca Raton, Florida
Brigham Young University Museum of Art, Provo, Utah
Broward County, Florida, North Broward Multi-Purpose Center, Pompano Beach, Florida, Permanent Installation (90 Photographs)
Carlos Museum, Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia
Canadian Centre For Architecture, Montreal, Canada
Castellani Art Museum, Niagra University, New York
Center For Creative Photography, Tucson, Arizona
Cincinnati Art Museum, Cincinnati, Ohio
Cleveland Museum of Art, Cleveland, Ohio
Columbus Museum of Art, Columbus, Ohio
Corcoran Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C.
Cray Research, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Dallas Art Museum, Dallas, Texas
David Ruttenberg Arts Foundation, Chicago, Illinois
Delaware Art Museum, Wilmington, Delaware
Denver Art Museum, Denver, Colorado
Detroit Institute of Arts, Detroit, Michigan
A. G. Edwards & Sons, Inc., St. Louis, Missouri
Exchange National Bank of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois
Film in the Cities, St. Paul, Minnesota
Fogg Art Museum, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts
Fort Lauderdale Museum of Art, Fort Lauderdale, Florida
Frederick R. Weisman Art Museum, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Fred Jones, Jr. Museum of Art, University of Oklahoma, Norman, Oklahoma
Free Library of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Hallmark, Kansas City, Missouri
Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center, University of Texas, Austin, Texas
Haverford College, Haverford, Pennsylvania
Herbert F. Johnson Museum of Art, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York
High Museum of Art, Atlanta, Georgia
Historic New Orleans Collection, New Orleans, Louisiana
International Center of Photography, New York, New York
International Museum of Photography at George Eastman House, Rochester, New York
Israel Museum, Jerusalem, Israel
James A. Michener Art Museum, Doylestown, Pennsylvania
Kalamazoo Institute of Arts, Kalamazoo, Michigan
Kawasaki City Museum, Kawasaki, Japan
K-Mart, Birmingham, Michigan
La Grange College, La Grange, Georgia
Lehigh University, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania
Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.
Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Los Angeles, California
Madison Art Center, Madison, Wisconsin
McKinsey and Company, Atlanta, Georgia
Menil Foundation, Houston, Texas
Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, New York
Microsoft, Redmond, Washington
Milwaukee Art Museum, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Minneapolis Institute of Arts, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Minnesota Museum of Art, St. Paul, Minnesota
Monterey Peninsula Museum of Art, Monterey, California
Mount Holyoke Museum of Art, South Hadley, Massachusetts
Museé de la Photographie, Charleroi, Belgium
Museé Nièpce, Chalon Sur Saône, France
Museum of Contemporary Photography, Columbia College, Chicago, Illinois
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, Massachusetts
Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, Texas
Museum of Fine Arts, St. Petersburg, Florida
Museum of Fine Arts, Santa Fe, New Mexico
Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe, Hamburg, Germany
Museum of Modern Art, New York, New York
Museum of Photographic Arts, San Diego, California
National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa, Canada
National Museum of Modern Art, Kyoto, Japan
Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art, Kansas City, Missouri
New Orleans Museum of Art, New Orleans, Louisiana
Norton Gallery of Fine Art, West Palm Beach, Florida
Ohio Wesleyan University, Delaware, Ohio
Pacific Telesis Group, San Francisco, California
Palm Beach Photographic Museum, Delray Beach, Florida
Philadelphia Museum of Art, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Plains Art Museum, Fargo, North Dakota and Moorhead, Minnesota
Polaroid Corporation, Cambridge, Massachusetts
Preus Fotomuseum, Horten, Norway
Princeton Historical Society, Princeton, New Jersey
Princeton University Art Museum, Princeton, New Jersey
Reva and David Logan Foundation, Chicago, Illinois
Rochester Art Center, Rochester, Minnesota
Rockford Art Museum, Rockford, Illinois
Rose Art Museum, Brandeis University, Waltham, Massachusetts
Roswell Museum and Art Center, Roswell, New Mexico
St. Louis Museum of Art, St. Louis, Missouri
San Diego Museum of Contemporary Art, La Jolla, California
San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, San Francisco, California
Security Pacific National Bank, Los Angeles, California
Seattle Art Museum, Seattle, Washington
Sheldon Memorial Art Gallery, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebraska
Spencer Museum of Art, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas
Stanford University Museum of Art, Stanford, California
State University of New York at New Paltz, New Paltz, New York
Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Stein, Roe, and Farnum, Chicago, Illinois
Tennessee Fine Arts Center, Nashville, Tennessee
Toledo Museum of Art, Toledo, Ohio
Toledo Trust Company, Toledo, Ohio
Tweed Museum of Art, Duluth, Minnesota
UCLA, Grunwald Center for the Graphic Arts, Los Angeles, California
University of Maryland, Baltimore County, Baltimore, Maryland
University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Massachusetts
University of Michigan Museum of Art, Ann Arbor, Michigan
University of New Mexico Museum of Art, Albuquerque, New mexico
Victoria and Albert Museum, London, England
Viterbo College, La Crosse, Wisconsin
Walker Art Center, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Yosemite Museum, Yosemite, California
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The Works, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Gallery 3515, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Tinicum Art Center, Erwinna, Pennsylvania
University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
The 831 Photographic Gallery, Birmingham, Michigan
Philadelphia Cricket Club, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
George School, Newtown, Pennsylvania
Solebury School, New Hope, Pennsylvania
Frenchtown, New Jersey—private exhibition (160 photographs)
University of Pennsylvania Faculty Club, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Frenchtown, New Jersey—private exhibition (300 photographs)
Overseas Press Club, New York City
Hemisphere Club, New York City
Photopia Gallery, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
University of Oklahoma, Museum of Art, Norman, Oklahoma
Sheldon Memorial Art Gallery, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebraska
Provident National Bank, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Provident National Bank, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
International Museum of Photography, George Eastman House, Rochester, New York
Kalamazoo Institute of Arts, Kalamazoo, Michigan
Roswell Museum and Art Center, Roswell, New Mexico
University of New Mexico, Sara Reynolds Gallery, Albuquerque, New Mexico
Hunterdon County National Bank, Frenchtown, New Jersey
The Afterimage, Dallas, Texas
Delaware Art Museum, Downtown Gallery, Wilmington, Delaware
Robert Freidus Gallery, New York City
George School, Newtown, Pennsylvania
Robert Freidus Gallery, New York City
Bucks County Arts Alliance, Lahaska, Pennsylvania
Western Heritage Museum, Omaha, Nebraska
John and Mabel Ringling Museum of Art, Sarasota, Florida (267 photographs)
Lehigh University, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania
Mancini Gallery, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Stanford University Museum of Art, Palo Alto, California
Toledo Museum of Art, Toledo, Ohio
Photoworks, Richmond, Virginia
Le Trepiad Galerie Photo, Geneva, Switzerland
The Toledo Trust Company, Toledo, Ohio
International Center of Photography (Museum Shop), New York, New York
Norton Gallery of Fine Art, West Palm Beach, Florida
The Tennessee Fine Arts Center, Nashville, Tennessee
Equivalents Gallery, Seattle, Washington
Actione Recherche Photographique d'Acquataigne, Bordeaux, France
Provident National Bank, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Viterbo College, La Crosse, Wisconsin
Northlight, Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona
Western Carolina University, Cullowhee, North Carolina
JoAnne Lyon Gallery, Aspen, Colorado
Orange Coast College, Costa Mesa, California
Galerie Zur Stockeregg, Zurich, Switzerland
Silver Image Gallery, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio
Rock Valley Junior College, Rockford, Illinois
Foto Biennale Enschede, Enschede, The Netherlands
The Historic New Orleans Collection, New Orleans, Louisiana
United Jersey Bank, Corporate Headquarters, Princeton, New Jersey
Swen Parson Gallery, Northern Illinois University, Dekalb, Illinois
Drew University, Madison, New Jersey
Joe and Emily Lowe Art Gallery, Syracuse University, Syracuse, New York
Loyola College, Baltimore, Maryland
Nassau Club, Princeton, New Jersey
Photo Forum Gallery, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Bucks County Community College, Newtown, Pennsylvania, Photographs 1966-1986
The Afterimage, Dallas, Texas
The Greenberg Gallery Annex, St. Louis, Missouri
The Cosmopolitan Club of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
North Broward Multi-Purpose Center, Pompano Beach, Florida (90 photographs, permanent installation)
The Center for Metropolitan Studies, University of Misouri at St. Louis, Missouri
Gaumann-Cicchino Gallery, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, Portraits
Photo-Eye Gallery, Santa Fe, New Mexico
International Museum of Photography at George Eastman House, Rochester, New York
MICHAEL A. SMITH: A VISUAL JOURNEY—Photographs From Twenty-Five Years
James A. Michener Art Museum, Doylestown, Pennsylvania, MICHAEL A. SMITH: A VISUAL JOURNEY—Photographs From Twenty-Five Years
Bill Bace Gallery, New York City
Lyme Academy of Art, Old Lyme, Connecticut, MICHAEL A. SMITH: A VISUAL JOURNEY—Photographs From Twenty-Five Years
Bill Bace Gallery, New York City, Recent Photographs: Nudes and Landscapes
Fort Lauderdale Museum of Art, Fort Lauderdale, Florida
Columbus Museum of Art, Columbus, Ohio, Dialogues with the Land (with Paula Chamlee)
Herbert F. Johnson Museum of Art, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, Landscapes Rural and Urban: Photographs by Paula Chamlee and Michael A. Smith
Lotus Gallery of Fine Art, Ostermiething, Austria, Dialogues with the Land (with Paula Chamlee)
Free Library of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (with Paula Chamlee) Photographs:His and Hers
Mount Holyoke College Art Museum, South Hadley, Massachusetts, The Broad View: Photographs by Michael A. Smith
James A. Michener Art Museum, Doylestown, Pennsylvania, Michael A. Smith: Photographer as Picturemaker
Archetype Gallery, Allentown, Pennsylvania
The Gallery of Corporate and Museum Frames, Richmond, Virginia (with Paula Chamlee)
Travis Gallery, New Hope, Pennsylvania, Alone and Together (with Paula Chamlee)
Paul Paletti Gallery, Louisville, Kentucky
Fernbank Museum of Natural History, Atlanta, Georgia, Tuscany (with Paula Chamlee)
IC Gallery, Amarillo, Texas (with Paula Chamlee)
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Tinicum Art Festival, Erwinna, Pennsylvania
Kenmore Gallery, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (3 photographers)
The Free Library of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: The Subject As Seen
The New Jersey State Museum, Trenton, New Jersey (4 photographers)
Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New Jersey: New Jersey Photography
Midtown Y Gallery, New York, New York (3 photographers)
Ohio Wesleyan University, Delaware, Ohio, Invitational Exhibition
University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: 6 x 6 = 36
International Museum of Photography at George Eastman House, Rochester, New York: Photographic Landscapes (8 photographers)
University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado: The Great West—Real/Ideal
Clarence Kennedy Gallery, Cambridge, Massachusetts: New Acquisitions From the Polaroid Collection
New Orleans Museum of Art, New Orleans Louisiana: Diverse Images
Philadelphia Art Alliance, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Allentown Museum of Art, Allentown, Pennsylvania: Pennsylvania Photographers
Lehigh University, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania: Intentions and Techniques
Clarence Kennedy Gallery, Cambridge, Massachusetts: New Acquisitions From the Polaroid Collection
New Orleans Museum of Art, New Orleans, Louisiana: The Great American West Photography Exhibition
Friends of Photography, Carmel, California: New Landscape
Trenton State College, Trenton, New Jersey: The Published Image (3 photographers)
High Museum of Art, Atlanta, Georgia: A Century of American Landscape Photography (Traveling Ex.)
National Parks Foundation, Washington, D.C.: American Photographers and the National Parks (Traveling Exhibition)
Allentown Museum of Art, Allentown, Pennsylvania: Pennsylvania Photographers II
The Light Factory, Charlotte, North Carolina: Contemporary Western Landscapes
Traction Gallery, Los Angeles, California: Ex Libris—Books by Artists
The Princeton Gallery of Fine Arts: Collectors Choice
Philadelphia College of Art, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: Adjacencies
PPS Galerie, Hamburg, West Germany: Landscape in Photography
Bucks County Council on the Arts, Doylestown, Pennsylvania (4 photographers)
Friends of Photography, Carmel, California: The Contact Print 1946-1982 (10 photographers)
Thornhill Art Gallery, Avila College, Kansas City, Missouri: Photographic Abstraction From the Hallmark Collection
The Print Club, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 58th Annual International Competition
Philadelphia Art Alliance, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: Philadelphia Past and Present
The Nelson Atkins Museum of Art, Kansas City, Missouri: New Acquisitions to the Hallmark Photographic Collection
Minneapolis Jewish Community Center of Greater Minneapolis, Minneapolis, Minnesota (6 photographers)
Utah State University, Logan, Utah, 14th Annual Invitational Photography Show
Lehigh University, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania: Intentions and Techniques II
Allentown Museum of Art, Allentown, Pennsylvania: Pennsylvania Photographers III
Bucks County Community College, Newtown, Pennsylvania: Past and Present, Bucks County Community College Photography Faculty
The Print Club, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 59th Annual International Competition
Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, New York: Shared Views
Chicago Center for Contemporary Photography at Columbia College, Chicago, Illinois: Considering Beauty in Photography
Addison Gallery of American Art, Andover, Massachusetts: Contemporary Panoramic Photographs
Martin Gallery, Washington, D.C.: Trees
PPS Galerie, Hamburg, West Germany: Panorama Photography
Mary Porter Sesnon Art Gallery, Porter College, University of California, Santa Cruz, California: Out of Context
The Print Club, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 60th Annual International Competition
University of Missouri, Kansas City, St. Louis, Columbia, Missouri: The Lay of the Land, Photographs from the Hallmark Photographic Collection
Appalachian Environmental Arts Center, Highlands, North Carolina: LandEscape: Joys and Sorrows
Allentown Museum of Art, Allentown, Pennsylvania: Pennsylvania Photographers IV
Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, New York: Photographs From The Museum Collection
Lehigh University, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania: Intentions and Techniques—1985
Museum of Contemporary Photography, Chicago, Illinois: Descriptions
The Print Club, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 61st Annual International Competition
International Center For Photography, New York, New York: Views and Visions: Recent American Landscape Photography
Maryland Art Place, Baltimore, Maryland: The View From Our Place
A Gallery For Fine Photography, New Orleans, Louisiana: New Views In Photography (3 photographers)
Silvermine Guild Galleries, New Canaan, Connecticut: Vintage and Contemporary Photography
Fort Lauderdale Museum of Art, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida: Photographs From the Collection
Tinicum Art Festival, Erwinna, Pennsylvania
The Print Club, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 62nd Annual International Competition
Gallery For Contemporary Photography, Kansas City, Missouri: Contact Prints
Amon Carter Museum of Art, Fort Worth, Texas: New Landscapes (5 photographers)
Allentown Museum of Art, Allentown, Pennsylvania: Pennsylvania Photographers V
Rodman House, Bucks County Council on the Arts, Doylestown, Pennsylvania: Third Annual Bucks County Juried Photography Show
Lehigh University, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania: Intentions and Techniques—1987
The Print Club, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: The Print Club Selects (6-artist exhibition)
Milwaukee Art Museum, Milwaukee, Wisconsin: Of People and Places
Princeton Gallery of Fine Art, Princeton, New Jersey: Holiday Exhibition
The Print Club, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 63rd Annual International Competition
St. Louis Community College at Florissant Valley, Missouri: Images of the Twentieth Century: Photographs from the Collection of John Dunivent
Mercer Medical Center, Trenton, New Jersey: The Photographers
Drew University, Madison, New Jersey: Fifteenth Anniversary Show
Southern Alleghenies Museum of Art, Loretto, Pennsylvania: Photo Panoramas
Blanden Memorial Art Museum, Fort Dodge, Iowa: Collecting Art: A Personal View (The Charles Paul Helsell Collection)
The Print Club, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 64th Annual International Competition
Allentown Museum of Art, Allentown, Pennsylvania: Pennsylvania Photographers VI
Yosemite Museum, Yosemite National Park, California: Yosemite Artist-in-Residence Show
Benteler-Morgan Galleries, Houston, Texas: Four Landscape Photographers
Gaumann-Cicchino Gallery, Fort Lauderdale, Florida: The Landscape Revisited: From Maine to Key West
Eckerd College, Elliot Gallery, St. Petersburg, Florida: The Upham Collection of Photography
Albin O. Kuhn Library and Gallery, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, Baltimore, Maryland: Light Years
The Historic New Orleans Collection, New Orleans, Louisiana: Light and Time: 150 Years of New Orleans Photography
The Free Library of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: 150 Years of Photography: Photographs From the Print and Picture Department
Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York: Selections from the Museum's Permanent Collection
The Poet Gallery, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: The Landscape Revisited: From Maine to Key West
American University, Washington, D.C.: The Landscape Revisited: From Maine to Key West
Alinder Gallery, Gualala, California: Shoot the Earth: Portrait of a Planet Whirling On
Alinder Gallery, Gualala, California: Picture Perfect
Virginia Intermont College, Bristol, Virginia: Ultra-Large Format
Atlanta Gallery of Photography, Atlanta, Georgia: Collector’s Show
Palm Beach Community Museum of Art: Worlds without Walls
Alinder Gallery, Gualala, California: Gallery Artists I
Lehigh University, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania: Intentions and Techniques
James A. Michener Art Museum, Doylestown, Pennsylvania: In Our Circle
Afterimage Gallery, Dallas, Texas: The Best
Centre d’Art Contemporain, Brussels, Belgium: Visages, Paysages et Autres Rivages, from the collection of the Musée de la Photographie à Charleroi
James A. Michener Art Museum, Doylestown, Pennsylvania: Bucks Biennial 1
The Gallery at Los Patios, San Antonio, Texas: The Day of the Dead
Scott Nichols Gallery, San Francisco, California: The American Landscape
Allentown Museum of Art, Allentown, Pennsylvania: Pennsylvania Photographers 8
Lehigh University, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania: Intentions and Techniques 1993
Alinder Gallery, Gualala, California: United Artists
Scott Nichols Gallery, San Francisco, California: Winter: Photographs of the Season
Boca Raton Museum of Art, Boca Raton, Florida: Selected Photographs from the Collection
Scott Nichols Gallery, San Francisco, California: From Adams to Weston and Everywhere in Between
Scott Nichols Gallery, San Francisco, California: Looking Through
Gallery 312, Chicago, Illinois: The Ross Collection: Photographs by the Great Masters of the 19th and 20th Century
National Video Center, New York: Images of the 20th Century
Photographic Archives Gallery, Dallas, Texas: The Second Annual Portfolio Show
The Museum of Contemporary Photography, Chicago, Illinois: The City: Harbor of Humanity
Minneapolis Institute of Arts, Minneapolis, Minnesota, The Poetics of Vision: Photographs from the Collection of Harry M. Drake
Legacy Gallery, Newtown, Pennsylvania: Contemporary Photographers and Their Personal Visions
Eight Elm Film & Video, Toronto: Canada, A Larger View
Scott Nichols Gallery, San Francisco, California: The San Francisco Show
Addison Gallery of American Art, Phillips Academy, Andover, Massachusetts, Expanded Visions: The Panoramic Photograph
Candace Perich Gallery, Katonah, New York: American Farm
Aperture Gallery, Salt Lake City: Alternative Processes
The Free Library of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Robert Looney …: A Discerning Eye
Mount Holyoke College Art Museum, South Hadley, Massachusetts, Landscapes on Paper: Works of Art from the Collection
The Museum of Contemporary Photography, Chicago, Illinois: Photography’s Multiple Roles
Princeton University Museum of Art, Photographs from the Collection of Jay Goodkind
Salt Lake Art Center, Salt Lake City, Utah, The Big Picture: Ultra Large-Format Photography
Philadelphia Museum of Art, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Works from the Collection by Philadelphia Area Photographers
Haydon Gallery, Lincoln, Nebraska, The Man Show
Arken Museum of Modern Art, Ishoj, Denmark, The Wild West
Norton Museum of Art, West Palm Beach Florida, A Natural Subject: Photographs from the Permanent Collection
Owen/Patrick Gallery, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Hometown: Philadelphia-area Photographers in The Photo Review
Gallery Z, Overland Park, Kansas, Gallery Artists
Brigham City Museum, Brigham City, Utah, The Great American West: The Black and White Landscape
Magnifico Gallery, Albuquerque, New Mexico, Large Format Photography in New Mexico: Then and Now
Spencer Museum of Art, The University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas, Fish, Flowers, and Flying Things: Nature at the Spencer Museum
Center for Photographic Art, Carmel, California, 12th Annual Center Awards and Juried Exhibition
Open Lens Gallery, Gershman Y, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Perspectives in Portraiture
Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Los Angeles, California, American Landscape Photography After Ansel Adams
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Twelve Photographs 1967-1969, Limited Edition Portfolio of Original Photographs (self-published)
Olds Stonework in Bucks County, Willis M. Rivinus, Photographs by Michael A. Smith, Willis M. Rivinus, New Hope, Pennsylvania
On Teaching Photography, Article published in Volume 14 #1 of Exposure, The Journal of the Society for Photographic Education; reprinted in Volume 18 #3/4
LANDSCAPES 1975-1979, Two-volume monograph, Lodima Press, Revere, Pennsylvania, Introduction by James Enyeart, Director of the Center for Creative Photography, Tucson, Arizona
LANDSCAPES 1975-1979, Exhibition Catalogue, Lehigh University, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania (different reproductions than in book of same title)
A Photographer's Point of View, Introduction to Exhibition Catalogue Fragments: Landscapes East and West, photographs by Robert Sussna, Newark Museum, Newark, New Jersey
Eight Landscape Photographs (from 8x20 negatives), Limited Edition Portfolio of Original Photographs, Regnis Press, Boynton Beach, Florida
Princeton, New Jersey, A Collection of Photographs by Michael A. Smith, Exhibition Catalogue, United Jersey Bank, Princeton, New Jersey
Intentions and Techniques—Some Thoughts, Introduction to Exhibition Catalogue, Intentions and Techniques, 1987, Lehigh University, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania
MICHAEL A. SMITH: A VISUAL JOURNEY—Photographs From Twenty-Five Years, Lodima Press, Revere, Pennsylvania, Foreword by Marianne Fulton, Essay A Visual Journey by John Bratnober, Published to accompany exhibition of the same title at the International Museum of Photography at George Eastman House
Portfolio—MICHAEL A. SMITH: A VISUAL JOURNEY, Text by Michael A. Smith, Introduction by Stephen Perloff, Photo Review, Fall 1992, Langhorne, Pennsylvania
How to Print on 100-Year Old Paper: the Azo and Amidol Story, View Camera, July/August 1996, Sacramento, California
LETTER TO A YOUNG PHOTOGRAPHER, Calumet Newsletter, Volume 6, Bensenville, Illinois, 1997 (Photographs and text)
On Printing: and WhyThere IsNo Such Thing as aDifficult Negative to Print, View Camera, May/June 1998, Sacramento, California
Letter to a Young Photographer, and a portfolio of sixteen photographs, LensWork Quarterly, Issue #24, Portland, Oregon, 1999
Developing by Inspection, View Camera, May/June 1999, Sacramento, California
THE STUDENTS OF DEEP SPRINGS COLLEGE, Lodima Press, Revere, Pennsylvania
"AZO UPDATE 2000," View Camera, March/April 2000, Sacramento, California
"ADVANCES IN ARCHIVAL MOUNTING AND STORAGE," View Camera, November/December 2000, Sacramento, California
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AE ARTIST EDUCATOR, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 1968 (4 reproductions)
NEW JERSEY PHOTOGRAPHY, Exhibition Catalogue, Traveling Exhibition, New Jersey Photography, Rutgers, The State University, New Brunswick, New Jersey, 1974 (2 reproductions)
CATALOGUE OF THE UCLA COLLECTION OF CONTEMPORARY AMERICAN PHOTOGRAPHS, Los Angeles, California, 1976, Exhibition Catalogue (1 reproduction)
THE GREAT WEST - Real/Ideal, University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado, 1977, Book and Exhibition Catalogue (2 reproductions)
INTENTIONS AND TECHNIQUES, Lehigh University, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, 1979, Exhibition Catalogue (1 reproduction)
Robert Freidus Gallery, CATALOGUE, New York, New York (4 reproductions)
AMERICAN PHOTOGRAPHERS AND THE NATIONAL PARKS, Viking, National Parks Foundation, New York, Washington, D.C., 1981, Book and Exhibition Catalogue (3 reproductions)
CAMERA, Lucerne, Switzerland, July, 1981, Portfolio and Text (4 reproductions)
THE HALLMARK PHOTOGRAPHIC COLLECTION CATALOGUE—New Acquisitions 1981, Kansas City, Missouri, 1981, Exhibition Catalogue (1 reproduction)
FOTO-SCENE, Germany, Sept/Oct 1981 (1 reproduction)
MODERN PHOTOGRAPHY, New York, New York, January, 1982 The Landscape Re: Viewed by Charles Hagen 2 reproductions)
THE CONTACT PRINT, UNTITLED #30, Friends of Photography, Carmel, California, 1982 "The Contact Print 1946-1982", Exhibition Catalogue (3 reproductions)
THE ONTARIO REVIEW Fall/Winter, 1982, Portfolio of photographs and article, A Portrait of the Artist, by Richard Trenner (9 reproductions plus cover)
MASTERWORKS OF AMERICAN PHOTOGRAPHY, The Amon Carter Museum Collection, Oxmoor House, Inc., Birmingham, Alabama, 1982 (1 reproduction)
OFFSHOOTS OF ORGONOMY, No. 5, Autumn 1982 (cover)
THE PRINT CLUB - 59th Annual International Competition, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 1983, Exhibition Catalogue (1 reproduction)
INTENTIONS AND TECHNIQUES II, Lehigh University, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, 1983, Exhibition Catalogue (1 reproduction)
PAST AND PRESENT, Bucks County Community College, Newtown, Pennsylvania, 1983, Exhibition Catalogue (2 reproductions)
FOTO, The Netherlands, September, 1984, Portfolio and Text (5 reproductions)
FOTO BIENNALE ENSCHEDE, Enschede, The Netherlands, Exhibition Catalogue, 1984 (2 reproductions)
DIMENSIONS OF A COLLECTION, Photographs From The Minneapolis Institute of Arts, Aperture, New York, 1984 (1 reproduction)
PHOTOGRAPHY, Third Edition, Upton & Upton, Little Brown & Co., Boston, 1974 (1 reproduction)
LANDSCAPE AS PHOTOGRAPH, Estelle Jussim and Elizabeth Lindquist-Cock, Yale University Press, New Haven, Connecticut, 1985 (1 reproduction)
THE METROPOLITAN MUSEUM OF ART ANNUAL REPORT, New York, New York, 1985 (1 reproduction)
CLICHES #24, Bruxelles, Belgium, March, 1986, Portfolio: Panoramas Habités, and article by Richard Trenner (7 reproductions)
NEW JERSEY - AN AMERICAN PORTRAIT, Bernard and Sante, Taylor Publishing Company, Dallas, Texas, 1986 (3 reproductions)
THE PRINT CLUB, 62nd Annual International Competition, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 1986, Exhibition Catalogue (1 reproduction)
INTENTIONS AND TECHNIQUES - 1987, Lehigh University, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, 1987, Exhibition Catalogue (cover)
PHOTOGRAPHIE 1945-1985, Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe, Hamburg, West Germany, 1987, Exhibition Catalogue (3 reproductions)
MODERN PHOTOGRAPHY AND BEYOND, The National Museum of Modern Art, Kyoto, Japan, 1987 (14 reproductions)
THE PRINT CLUB, 63rd Annual International Competition, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 1987 Exhibition Catalogue (1 reproduction)
OF PEOPLE AND PLACES: The Floyd and Josephine Segel Collection of Photography, Milwaukee Art Museum, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 1987 (8 reproductions)
LLA BULLETIN, Louisiana Library Association, Winter 1987, Vol. 49, #3 (cover)
PHOTOGRAPHY, FOURTH EDITION, Upton & Upton, Scott, Foresman and Company, Glenview, Illinois, 1988 (1 reproduction)
DECADE BY DECADE: Twentieth-Century American Photography from the Collection of the Center for Creative Photography, Bullfinch Press, Little, Brown and Company, Boston, Toronto, London, 1989 (1 reproduction)
GUIDE TO THE PHOTOGRAPHIC COLLECTIONS AT THE HISTORIC NEW ORLEANS COLLECTION, The Historic New Orleans Collection, New Orleans, Louisiana, 1989 (2 reproductions, including cover)
THE TINICUM BULLETIN, Erwinna, Pennsylvania, December 1989 (1 reproduction—inadvertantly cropped)
THE TINICUM BULLETIN, Erwinna, Pennsylvania, January/February 1990 (1 reproduction—uncropped)
PHOTOGRAPHIC POSSIBILITIES, Robert Hirsch, Focal Press, Boston and London, 1991 (1 reproduction)
ASAHI, Tokyo, 1991, "Panoramic U.S.A." (6 reproductions)
VIEW CAMERA, Sacramento, California, May/June 1992, Michael A. Smith: A Twenty-Five Year Retrospective, by Lizabeth A. Johnson (4 reproductions)
CAMERA & DARKROOM, Los Angeles, California, July,1992, Extended Visions: The Photography of Michael A. Smith, by William McEwen (5 reproductions)
PHOTO REVIEW, Langhorne, Pennsylvania, Fall 1992, Portfolio—Michael A. Smith: A Visual Journey¸ Text by Michael A. Smith, Introduction by Stephen Perloff (7 Reproductions)
STRANGE, AMAZING AND MYSTERIOUS PLACES, Introduction by William Burroughs; Essays by Richard Marshall; Collins Publishers, San Francisco, 1993 (1 reproduction)
KOBE AID FUND, World Photo Art Exhibition & Auction, Tokyo Institute of Polytehnics, Center of Photography, Tokyo, 1995,
(1 reproduction)
THE POETICS OF VISION: PHOTOGRAPHS FROM THE COLLECTION OF HARRY M. DRAKE, The Minneapolis Institute of Art, Minneapolis, Minnesota, 1997 (1reproduction)
CALUMET NEWSLETTER, Volume 6, Bensenville, Illinois, 1997 (4 reproductions and Letter to a Young Photographer)
PHOTOGRAPHY"S MULTIPLE ROLES, The Museum of Contemporary Photography, Chicago, Illinois, 1998 (1 reproduction)
LINCOLN CENTER THEATER REVIEW, New York, Fall 1999 Issue Number 23 (1 reproduction)

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THE DAILY PENNSYLVANIAN University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania January 15, 1970 Photo Display Worth Seeing, by Thomas Papson
THE SUNDAY BULLETIN Philadelphia, Pennsylvania January 11, 1970 He Lugs A Huge Camera, by Robert Salgado
PHILADELPHIA PHOTO REVIEW April, 1976 Review of exhibition at Photopia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, by John Bratnober
THE DAILY NEBRASKAN University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebraska November, 1976 Smith's Prints Study Landscape, by Carla Engstrom
ROCHESTER DEMOCRAT AND CHRONICLE Rochester, New York, November 20, 1977 Landscapes: 8 New Views, by Sally Eauclaire
ROCHESTER DEMOCRAT AND CHRONICLE Rochester, New York January 1, 1978 Abstract Photo Tour of West, by Sally Eauclaire
ART IN AMERICA September/October 1978 Review of exhibition at Robert Freidus Gallery, New York City, by Sally Eauclaire
SUNDAY NEW YORK TIMES New York, New York November 11, 1979 Review of exhibition at Robert Freidus Gallery, New York City, by Gene Thornton
SOHO WEEKLY NEWS New York, New York, Week of November 12, 1979 Review of exhibition at Robert Freidus Gallery, New York City, by Andy Grundberg
SARASOTA HERALD-TRIBUNE Sarasota, Florida, October 3, 1980 Photo Exhibit Opens Ringling Year, by Marsha Fottler
AMERICAN PHOTOGRAPHER August, 1981 Review of exhibition at Stanford University: Gallery—Michael A. Smith, by Kathryn Livingston
PHILADELPHIA PHOTO REVIEW Summer 1982 Review of LANDSCAPES 1975-1979, by Stephen Perloff
ARLIS/NA Newsletter, October 1981 Review of LANDSCAPES 1975-1979, by Susan Wyngaard
CAMERA ARTS September 1982 Review of LANDSCAPES 1975-1979, by Eric Himmel
BOSTON REVIEW February 1983 Review of LANDSCAPES 1975-1979 A Dead Straight Picture—The Landscapes of Michael A. Smith, by Estelle Jussim
ART BOOK REVIEW, #5 London, England 1983 Empty Settings, by Colin Bryant
NEW YORK TIMES June 29, 1986 Portrait of Princeton in Black and White, by Vivian Raynor
THE GREEN AND GREY Loyola College, Baltimore, Maryland January 26, 1987 International Photographer Comes To Loyola, by Jim Bartolomeo
THE TIMES PICAYUNE April 5, 1987 New Orleans Now: Commissioned Photographs by Michael A. Smith, by Roger Green
THE PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER Philadelphia, Pennsylvania February 6, 1988 2 Decades in the Life of an Artist, by Victoria Donohoe
THE PRINCETON PACKET Princeton, New Jersey February 10, 1988 Michael A. Smith: Photographs 1966-1986, by Estelle Sinclair
DEMOCRAT AND CHRONICLE Rochester, New York July 5, 1992 His Eye is on the United States, by Ron Netsky
TIMES-UNION Rochester, New York July 20, 1992 Show by Smith Echoes Adams’ Works, by Elizabeth Forbes
CITY NEWSPAPER Rochester, New York August 13,1992 The Texture of the World, by Judith Reynolds
SAN FRANCISCO CHRONICLE December 13, 1992 Review of Michael A. Smith: A Visual Journey
THE NEW YORK OBSERVER February 8, 1993 Review of exhibition at Bill Bace Gallery, by A. D. Coleman
JOHN BARKHAM REVIEW Review of Michael A. Smith: A Visual Journey
PHOTO METRO Review of exhibition at Bill Bace Gallery, by A. D. Coleman
NEW YORK TIMES August 1, 1993 Review of exhibition at Bill Bace Gallery, Southampton, New York, by Phyllis Braff
DESERET NEWS, Salt Lake City, Utah, January 28, 2001, Review of The Students of Deep Springs College "Essay Delves into Deep Springs," by Dennis Lythgoe
BOOKMAN BOOK REVIEW SYNDICATE, Nashville, Temnnessee, February 2001, Review of The Students of Deep Springs College
TIME OFF BUCKS COUNTY, Princeton, New Jersey, August, 2002, Review of exhibition at the James A. Michener Art Museum, Doylestown, Pennsylvania, Reverberating Forms, by Diana Wolf
PHILADELPHIA ENQUIRER, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, April 20, 2003, Review of exhibition at the Travis Gallery, New Hope, Pennsylvania, Husband and wife showcase visions of Tuscan landscape, by Victoria Donohoe
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DELAWARE VALLEY NEWS, Frenchtown, New Jersey, 7/19/68 Photographer to Open Shop in Frenchtown, Planning Documentary, by Rick Hartten
PHOTOGRAPHY SOURCE AND RESOURCE, Turnip Press, State College, Pennsylvania, 1973, Interview
TRENTON TIMES, This Week Magazine, 11/7/74 His Camera Takes Aim At Nature, by Elisabeth Stevens
DELAWARE VALLEY NEWS, Frenchtown, New Jersey, 2/10/77 Michael Smith and a Farm for Looking, by Richard Trenner
DARKROOM, September 1979, Hot Shots - Michael Smith, by Claire Steinberg
THE LONGBOAT OBSERVER, Longboat Key, Florida, 10/16/80 A Conversation With Michael A. Smith, by Kevin Dean Stanford University Museum of Art, June 1981, Exhibition Essay, by Anita V. Mozley
DELAWARE VALLEY NEWS, Frenchtown, New Jersey, February 18, 1982 Tinicum Photographer Does His Best: Book of Landscapes Receives Acclaim, by Beth Kalet
THE ONTARIO REVIEW Fall/Winter, 1982, Portfolio of photographs and article, A Portrait of the Artist, by Richard Trenner (9 reproductions plus cover)
PRINCETON PACKET, Princeton, New Jersey, Week of 11/14/84 Photographer Is Heavily Into His Equipment, by Pam Hersh
THE TIMES-PICAYUNE, New Orleans, Louisiana, 4/28/85 Getting The Real Picture Is A Big Job, by Sharon Litwin
U.S. 1, Princeton, New Jersey, November 1985, Reflections of Michael Smith, by Richard K. Rein
CLICHES #24, Bruxelles, Belgium, March, 1986 Portfolio: Panoramas Habités and article by Richard Trenner (7 reproductions)
THE HISTORIC NEW ORLEANS COLLECTION NEWSLETTER, New Orleans, Louisiana, volume #3/4, Summer/Fall 1986, N.O. Now, by John H. Lawrence
DELAWARE VALLEY NEWS, Frenchtown, New Jersey, 1/28/88 It's All In The Eye—And A 50-Pound Camera, by Steven Henshaw
CULTURAL QUARTERLY, Broward Cultural Affairs Council, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, Summer 1989 To See, To Record, To Comment: Creating a Photograph by George S. Bolge
NEWS/SUN SENTINEL, Broward County, Florida, January 24, 1990 History in the Making, by Paul Heidelberg
PASATIEMPO, Santa Fe, New Mexico, September 13, 1991 Michael A. Smith: The Photograph as Object, by Leslie Allison
VIEW CAMERA Sacramento, California, May/June 1992 Michael A. Smith: A Twenty-Five Year Retrospective, by Lizabeth A. Johnson
CAMERA & DARKROOM, Los Angeles, California, July,1992 Extended Visions: The Photography of Michael A. Smith, by William McEwen
AT EASE, THE DAILY MESSENGER, Canandaigua, New York, June 11, 1992 Thanks, Leonard, by Kathie Meredith
THE INTELLIGENCER, Doylestown, Pennsylvania, December 6, 1992 He Works on the Road, by Kathryn F. Clark
PHOTO METRO, San Francisco, California, December 1992/January 1993 Interview with Michael A. Smith, by Bill Jay
PHOTO DISTRICT NEWS, New York, September 1993 Michael A. Smith, Master Self Publisher, by Joseph Meehan
DELAWARE VALLEY NEWS, Frenchtown, NJ, August 17, 1995 Their Life is Really in Focus, by James Heaphy.
THE ITHACA TIMES, Ithaca New York, January 9–15, 1997 Close Contact, by Alison Shaw
THE COLUMBUS DISPATCH, Columbus, Ohio, March 12, 1997 Parallel Views, by Tim Feran
VIEW CAMERA, Sacramento, California, September/October 1999 "Mammoth Cameras," by Steve Simmons. Review of workshop in Salt Lake City
VIEW CAMERA, Sacramento, California, September/October 2000 "Seeing the Big Picture," by Lance Duffin
CHINESE PHOTOGRAPHY, Beijing, China, January, 2003, "The Story of an American Photographers Couple," Photographs and text in Chinese
BUCKS COUNTY HERALD, Lahaska, Pennsylvania, March 27, 2003. "Photographers featured at Byers Bucks Fever Exhibit: Smith and Chamlee live and work in Ottsville," by Karen Gross
THE DOYLESTOWN PATRIOT, Doylestown, Pennsylvania, March 27, 2003. "Got the Fever? CBCC Art Exhibit Set to Open"

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Conducted own private photography classes
Instructor in Photography, part-time, Philadelphia College of Art
Instructor in Photography, part-time, Bucks County Community College, Newtown, Pennsylvania
Instructor in Photography, part-time, Solebury School, Solebury, Pennsylvania
Instructor, Members Workshop, Friends of Photography, Carmel, California
Instructor, Fall Landscape Workshop, Friends of Photography, Carmel, California

Conducted Workshop, Appalachian Environmental Art Center, Highlands, North Carolina
Conducted Workshop, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa

Conducted Workshop, New Orleans, Louisiana
Conducted Workshop, Enschede, The Netherlands
Conducted Workshop, Houston Center For Photography, Houston, Texas

Conducted Workshop, Loyola College, Baltimore, Maryland
Conducted Workshop, Mobile, Alabama
Conducted Workshop (with Paula Chamlee), FAMU, Academy of Film and Photography, Prague, Czech Republic
Visiting Professor, Deep Springs College, Deep Springs, California

Conducted Workshop (with Paula Chamlee), Lotus View Camera, Ostermiething, Austria
Conducted Workshop, "Mammoth Plate and Panoramic Photography"(with Paula Chamlee and Tillman Crane). Waterford Institute, Sandy, Utah
Conducted Workshop, "Vision and Technique" (with Paula Chamlee), Ottsville, Pennsylvania
Conducted Workshop "Mammoth Plate and Panoramic Photography" (with Paula Chamlee, Tillman Crane, and Lois Connor). Waterford Institute, Sandy, Utah
Conducted four Workshops, "Vision and Technique" (with Paula Chamlee), Ottsville, Pennsylvania
Conducted Workshop "Mammoth Plate and Panoramic Photography" (with Paula Chamlee, Tillman Crane, and Lois Connor). Waterford Institute, Sandy, Utah
Conducted three Workshops, "Vision and Technique" (with Paula Chamlee), Ottsville, Pennsylvania
Conducted "Vision and Technique" Workshop (with Paula Chamlee), Pforzheim, Germany
Conducted Master Class (with Paula Chamlee), Montgomery College, Rockville, Maryland
Conducted two Workshops, "Vision and Technique" (with Paula Chamlee), Ottsville, Pennsylvania
Conducted Workshop (with Paula Chamlee), Pasadena, California
Conducted four Workshops (with Paula Chamlee), Ottsville, Pennsylvania
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Moore College of Art, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
University of Delaware, Newark, Delaware
Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona
Akron University, Akron, Ohio
School of the Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois
George School, Newtown, Pennsylvania
Arts Alliance of Bucks County, New Hope, Pennsylvania
Society For Photographic Education, National Conference, Fort Worth, Texas
University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, New Mexico
Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona
Page and Page, Dallas, Texas
John and Mabel Ringling Museum of Art, Sarasota, Florida
Toledo Modern Art Group, Toledo, Ohio
Lehigh University, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania
Arts Alliance of Bucks County, Lahaska, Pennsylvania
Toledo Museum of Art, Toledo, Ohio
Norton Gallery of Fine Art, West Palm Beach, Florida
The Tennessee Fine Arts Center, Nashville, Tennessee
Columbia College, Chicago, Illinois (First Annual Senior Lecture)
Smithsonian Institute, Washington, D.C.
Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona
University of Delaware, Newark, Delaware
Bucks County Community College, Newtown, Pennsylvania
Society For Photographic Education, National Conference, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Western Carolina University, Cullowhee, North Carolina
University of Northern Iowa, Cedar Falls, Iowa
Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa
University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa
Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, New York
SUNY at Geneseo, Geneseo, New York

Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio
Maryland Institute of Art, Baltimore, Maryland
Goucher College, Baltimore, Maryland

University of New Orleans, New Orleans, Louisiana
New Orleans Museum of Art, New Orleans, Louisiana
Foto Biennale Enschede, Enschede, The Netherlands
James Madison University, Harrisonburg, Virginia
Houston Center For Photography, Houston, Texas

Society For Photographic Education, National Conference, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Tulane University, New Orleans, Louisiana
Loyola College, Baltimore, Maryland
Goucher College, Baltimore, Maryland
Drew University, Madison, New Jersey
Syracuse University, Syracuse, New York
Philadelphia College of Art, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, New York
The Historic New Orleans Collection, New Orleans, Louisiana
Loyola College, Baltimore, Maryland
Purnell School, Pottersville, New Jersey
Bucks County Community College, Newtown, Pennsylvania
Amarillo College, Amarillo, Texas
Anderson Ranch Arts Center, Snowmass Village, Colorado
Society of Photographic Art, Fort Lauderdale, Florida
American Cultural Center, Prague, Czech Republic
Deep Springs College, Deep Springs, California
Dallas Museum of Art, Dallas, Texas
Cornell University, Ithaca, New York
University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota
St. Petersburg Museum of Art, St. Petersburg, Florida
University of Memphis, Memphis, Tennessee
Berkshire Museum, Pittsfield, Massachusetts
James A. Michener Museum of Art, Doylestown, Pennsylvania
Messiah College, Grantham, Pennsylvania
Travis Gallery, New Hope, Pennsylvania
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Member—Society For Photographic Education
Juror—Contacts, Western Heritage Museum, Omaha, Nebraska
Speaker and panel member—publishing panel, Maine Photographic Workshop, Rockport, Maine

Panel Member—Career Alternatives in Photography, Society For Photographic Education, National Conference, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Site Registrar—Society For Photographic Education, National Conference, Baltimore, Maryland
Speaker and panel member—publishing panel, Maine Photographic Workshop, Rockport, Maine
Juror—Chesapeake Photographers Exhibit—Cecil County Arts Council, Cecil County, Maryland
Speaker and panel member—publishing conference, Fotofest '90, Houston, Texas
Panel Member—"Walker Evans and His Influence: A Continuing Tradition," James A. Michener Art Museum, Doyleston, Pennsylvania
Conference Participant and Presenter: Large Format Conference, Albuquerque, New Mexico
Awards Juror—Southern Alleghenies Museum of Art Biennial
Panel member—Collecting Photography, Travis Gallery, New Hope, Pennsylvania
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