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Born in the Texas Panhandle near the small town of Adrian.
Attends Texas Tech University. Studies Speech and Drama.
Begins to paint and to study art.
Returns to school part-time at the University of South Alabama. Majors in Studio Art with an emphasis on painting.

As a result of a History of Photography class learns the basic technical darkroom procedures in photography and begins first serious work in the medium.
Begins working with a 4x5-inch view camera. Photographs people, interiors and landscapes in and around Mobile, Alabama.

Graduates University of South Alabama with a B.F.A. in painting. Senior thesis exhibition consists mostly of paintings; some photographs included. Travels to the West Coast and photographs extensively in Yosemite National Park. Photographs are exhibited extensively in both solo and group exhibitions in Southern Alabama.
Extensive teaching of photography. Continues to exhibit widely in Southern Alabama.

Relocates from Alabama to Pennsylvania. Marries photographer Michael A. Smith. Travels and photographs for six months throughout the Western United States and Canada. Uses only an 8x10-inch view camera on this trip.

Travels and photographs for three months, again in the West. Continues to work with 8x10, occasionally using reducing backs to make smaller photographs.
Begins photographic portrait of Bucks County, Pennsylvania.
Travels and photographs for seven months throughout the western United States, photographing extensively in Utah.

Co-conducts (with Michael A. Smith) a photographic workshop at the Academy of Film and Photography in Prague, and photographs in the Czech Republic. First monograph published, Natural Connections: Photographs by Paula Chamlee. Begins photographic project in Texas, a series of photographs of the farm on the High Plains of the Texas Panhandle where she grew up.

Continues photographing the High Plains Farm. For this work, is awarded grants by The Summerlee Foundation (Dallas, TX) and by The Texas Historical Foundation (Austin, TX).

Second book, High Plains Farm, published in conjunction with exhibition at the Amarillo Museum of Art. PBS documentary film produced by KACV-TV, Amarillo, Texas, about Chamlee and High Plains Farm. Photographs in San Francisco. Is awarded a major grant by The Leeway Foundation (Philadelphia, PA) for Excellence in Photography.

Publishes third book: San Francisco: Twenty Corner Markets and One in the Middle of the Block. Begins series of photographs, "Close to Home."
Travels and photographs in New England, Minnesota, and Texas.
Travels and photographs in Europe, mostly in Italy (Tuscany). Conducts workshops in the United States and in Europe.
Again travels and photographs in Europe, mostly in Italy (Tuscany). Conducts workshops in the United States.
Travels and photographs in western United States and in Italy, mostly in Tuscany. Conducts workshops in the United States and in Europe.
Conducts Master Class at Montgomery College, Rockville, Maryland. Photographs throughout the American West. Conducts workshops in the United States.
Photographs in Baja California. Conducts workshops in the United States.
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University of South Alabama, Mobile, Alabama, Townhouse Gallery, Paula C. Chamlee, Recent Paintings and Photographs
Eastern Shore Art Center, Fairhope, Alabama, Paula Chamlee, Photographs in Black and White
Mobile Area Chamber of Commerce, Mobile, Alabama, Paula Chamlee: Photographs
Keepers of Light Gallery, Mobile, Alabama, Paula Chamlee, New Work
James A. Michener Art Museum, Doylestown, Pennsylvania, Prelude to a Portrait of Bucks County (with Michael A. Smith)
Books and Books, Coral Gables, Florida, Paula Chamlee, Photographs (with Michael A. Smith)
Photographic Archives Gallery, Dallas, Texas, Natural Connections: Photographs by Paula Chamlee
Amarillo Museum of Art, Amarillo, Texas, High Plains Farm
Herbert F. Johnson Museum of Art, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, Landscapes Rural and Urban
Museum of the Llano Estacado, Wayland University, Plainview, Texas, High Plains Farm
Center for Contemporary Arts, Abilene, Texas, High Plains Farm
Columbus Museum of Art, Columbus, Ohio, Dialogues with the Land:
Photographs by Michael A. Smith and Paula Chamlee
Scott Nichols Gallery, San Francisco, California, The San Francisco Show(three photographers)
Tyler Museum of Art, Tyler, Texas, High Plains Farm
Paris Square Gibson Museum, Great Falls, Montana, High Plains Farm
Coutts Memorial Museum of Art, El Dorado, Kansas, High Plains Farm
Stauth Memorial Museum, Montezuma, Kansas, High Plains Farm
Institute of Texan Cultures, San Antonio, Texas, High Plains Farm
Mulvane Art Museum, Washburn University, Topeka, Kansas, High Plains Farm
Free Library of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Photographs: His and Hers (with Michael A. Smith)
Lotus Gallery of Fine Art, Ostermiething, Austria, Dialogues with the Land(with Michael A. Smith)
Open Lens Gallery, YM/YWHA, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Paul Paletti Gallery, Louisville, Kentucky
Travis Gallery, Solebury, Pennsylvania, Alone and Together (with Michael A. Smith)
The Gallery of Corporate and Museum Frames, Richmond, Virginia (with Michael A. Smith)
Fernbank Museum of Natural History, Atlanta, Georgia, Tuscany (with Michael A. Smith)
Archetype Gallery, Allentown, Pennsylvania
IC Gallery, Amarillo, Texas (with Michael A. Smith)
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September Celebration, Mobile, Alabama, For Art’s Sake
M.C. Farmer Terminal Building, Mobile Municipal Airport, Mobile, Alabama, Three Alabama Artists
The Keepers of Light Gallery, Mobile, Alabama, Gallery Artists
Fine Arts Museum of the South, Mobile, Alabama, Fine Art: The Best of Mobile
Alinder Gallery, Gualala, California, Shoot the Earth: Portrait of a Planet Whirling On
Alinder Gallery, Gualala, California, Picture Presents
James A. Michener Art Museum, Doylestown, Pennsylvania, Bucks Biennial
Alinder Gallery, Gualala, California, United Artists
Scott Nichols Gallery, San Francisco, California, WINTER–Photographs of the Season
Gallery 312, Chicago, Illinois, The Ross Collection: Photographs by the Great Masters of the 19th and 20th Century
American Association of Museums Annual Conference, Seattle, Washington
Fine Arts Museum of the South, Mobile, Alabama, and Huntsville Museum of Art, Huntsville, Alabama, Alabama Impact: Contemporary Artists with Alabama Ties
Photographic Archives Gallery, Dallas, Texas, The Second Annual Portfolio Show
Scott Nichols Gallery, Hotel Triton Art Fair, San Francisco, California
Minneapolis Institute of Arts, Minneapolis, Minnesota, The Poetics of Vision: Photographs from the Collection of Harry M. Drake
Legacy Gallery, Newtown, Pennsylvania, Contemporary Photographers and Their Personal Visions
Eight Elm Film & Video, Toronto, Canada, A Larger View
Candace Perich Gallery, Katonah, New York, American Farm
Aperture Gallery, Salt Lake City

Historic Yellow Spings, Chester Springs, Pennsylvania, Photography: Contemporary Prospect 2000
Salt Lake Art Center, Salt Lake City, Utah, The Big Picture: Ultra Large-Format Photograph

Spencer Museum of Art, The University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas, Signs of Faith: Photographs from the Collection

Owen/Patrick Gallery, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Hometown: Philadelphia-area Photographers In The Photo Review
Gallery Z, Overland Park, Kansas, Gallery Artists
Magnifico Gallery, Albuquerque, New Mexico, Large Format Photography in New Mexico: Then and Now
Brigham City Museum, Brigham City, Utah, The Great American West: The Black and White Landscape
Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Los Angeles, California, American Landscape Photography After Ansel Adams
The Grolier Club, New York, New York, The Auroral Light: Photographs by Women from Grolier Club Member Collections
Eremo di Santa Caterina, Isola d'Elba, Italy, Hortulus animae : Il roseto di Santa Caterina e l'arte contemporanea
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Grant from the Summerlee Foundation, Dallas, Texas, in support of High Plains Farm
Grant from the Texas Historical Foundation, Austin, Texas, in support of High Plains Farm
Grant from the Leeway Foundation, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, for "Excellence in Photograpy"
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Boca Raton Museum of Art, Boca Raton, Florida
The Buhl Collection, New York, New York
Cincinnati Art Museum, Cincinnati, Ohio
Clevland Museum of Art, Clevland, Ohio
Columbus Museum of Art, Columbus, Ohio
Cray Research, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Free Library of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Frederick R. Weisman Art Museum, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center, University of Texas, Austin, Texas
James A. Michener Museum of Art, Doylestown, Pennsylvania
Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.
Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Los Angeles, California
Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, Texas
New Orleans Museum of Art, New Orleans, Louisiana
Norton Museum of Art, West Palm Beach, Florida
Rockford Art Museum, Rockford, Illinois
Rose Art Museum, Brandeis University, Waltham, Massachusetts
Spencer Museum of Art, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas
Southwest Collection, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas
St. Petersburg Museum of Art, St. Petersburg, Florida
Trinity University, San Antonio, Texas
University of North Texas, Denton, Texas
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Natural Connections: Photographs by Paula Chamlee, essay by Estelle Jussim, Lodima Press, Revere, Pennsylvania
High Plains Farm, Foreword by George F. Thompson, Lodima Press, Revere, Pennsylvania
High Plains Farm: A Unique Portfolio, Portfolio of original photographs, Edition of fifteen, Ottsville, Pennsylvania
San Francisco: Twenty Corner Markets and One in the Middle of the Block, Lodima Press, Revere, Pennsylvania

San Francisco: Twenty Corner Markets and One in the Middle of the Block, Portfolio of original photographs, Edition of three, Ottsville, Pennsylvania
A Field in Tuscany, Portfolio of original photographs, Edition of ten, Ottsville, Pennsylvania
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AmericanPHOTO New York, New York January/February, 1990 (1 reproduction)
View Camera Sacramento, California May/June, 1991 (1 reproduction)
Cite: The Architecture and Design Review of Houston Houston, Texas Issue #39, Fall, 1997 Texas Places (Cover plus 9 reproductions)
Lenswork Quarterly Portland, Oregon Portfolio (12 reproductions) Interview on CD-ROM
The Land Report, Number 63 Salina, Kansas Spring 1999, (Front and Back Cover plus 1 reproduction)
View Camera, September/October 1999 (1 reproduction)
The Land Report, Number 64, Summer 1999. Salina, Kansas (3 reproductions)
The Land Report, Number 65, Fall 1999. Salina, Kansas (Front and Back Cover plus 3 reproductions)
View Camera, March/April 2000, "High Plain Farm Portraits," Photographs and text
Photographers' Companion, Beijing, China February/2002 "High Plains Farm," Photographs; text in Chinese
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Delaware Valley News, Frenchtown, NJ August 17, 1995. "Their Life is Really in Focus," by James Heaphy
New Hope Gazette, New Hope, PA October 3, 1996. "Foundation awards $120,000 to women photographers–Judith Taylor, Paula Chamlee receive grants."
Doylestown Intelligencer, Doylestown, Pennsylvania October 22, 1996. "Grants Fuel Careers," by Steve Wartenberg
Amarillo Sunday News-Globe Amarillo, Texas November 10, 1996. Life on the Plains," by Jeff Rhoads
The Ithaca Times, Ithaca New York January 9–15, 1997. "Close Contact," by Alison Shaw
The Columbus Dispatch, Columbus, Ohio March 12, 1997. "Parallel Views," by Tim Feran
San Francisco Chronicle, San Francisco, California December 13, 1997. "The Shops Around the Corner– Photographer captures life in family markets," by Sam Whiting
View Camera, Sacramento, California, September/October 1999 "Mammoth Cameras," by Steve Simmons. Review of workshop in Salt Lake City
View Camera, Sacramento, California, September/October 2000 "Seeing the Big Picture," by Lance Duffin
Business Week, New York, New York, April 30, 2001 "An Art Form Comes of Age," by Thane Peterson
Chinese Photography, Beijing, China, January, 2003, "The Story of an American Photographers Couple," Photographs; text in Chinese
Bucks County Herald, Lahaska, Pennsylvania, March 27, 2003. "Photographers featured at Byers Bucks Fever Exhibit: Smith and Chamlee live and work in Ottsville," by Karen Gross
The Doylestown Patriot, Doylestown, Pennsylvania, March 27, 2003. "Got the Fever? CBCC Art Exhibit Set to Open," by Jill Yris
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Photo Review, Langhorne, Pennsylvania, Summer issue, 1995. Review of Natural Connections: Photographs by Paula Chamlee, by Stephen Perloff
Amarillo Sunday News-Globe, Amarillo, Texas, November 10, 1996. Review of High Plains Farm, by Shelley Armitage
El Paso Herald Post, El Paso, Texas April 30, 1997 Review of High Plains Farm: "Books take different paths into the past," by Mary Sarber
Books of the Week, Los Angeles, California May, 1997 Review of High Plains Farm: "U.S. farm life–in pictures," by John Austin
Abilene Reporter-News, Abilene, Texas July 13, 1997 Review of High Plains Farm: "Daughter records tribute to parents’ way of life," by Judyth Rigler
Herald Democrat, Denison,Texas, August 17, 1997 Review of High Plains Farm: "High Plains Farm is a treasure," by Jerry Lincecum
Texas Books in Review, Center for the Study of the Southwest, Southwest Texas State University San Marcos, Texas, Winter/Spring 1997–1998 Review of High Plains Farm:" A Longing Look Back at a Disappearing Texas"
Lubbock Avalanche-Journal, Lubbock, Texas, 1997 Review of High Plains Farm exhibition at the Museum of the Llano Estacado, "Chamlee’s Photographs Capture Feel of Growing up on Farm" by Phillip L. Hamilton
Panhandle Plains Historical Review Canyon, Texas (in press) Review of High Plains Farm, by Joseph Walsh
Great Plains Quarterly Spring 1998 Review of High Plains Farm, by Bill Ganzel
The Western Library Journal 1999 Vol. 38. No. 1 Review of High Plains Farm, by J.W. Graves
Panhandle-Plains Historical Review: 70 1997 Review of High Plains Farm by Joseph Walsh
Great Plains Quarterly, Spring 1998. Review of High Plains Farm, by Bill Ganzel
The Western Library Journal, 1999 Vol. 38. No. 1. Review of High Plains Farm, by J.W. Graves
Philadelphia Weekly, November 13, 2002, Review of exhibition at the Open Lens Gallery at the Gershman Y
Philadelphia Inquirer, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, April 20, 2003, Review of exhibition at the Travis Gallery, New Hope, Pennsylvania, Husband and wife showcase visions of Tuscan landscape, by Victoria Donohoe
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Instructor in Photography, Fine Arts Museum of the South, Mobile, Alabama

Instructor in Photography, Fine Arts Museum of the South, Mobile, Alabama
Conducted Workshop, Fine Arts Museum of the South, Mobile, Alabama
Conducted Workshop, Leinkauf School, Mobile, Alabama

Instructor in Photography, Bucks County Community College, Newtown, Pennsylvania
Co-conducted Workshop (with Michael A. Smith), Academy of Film and Photography in Prague, Czech Republic
Conducted Workshop (with Michael A. Smith) at Lotus View Camera, Ostermiething, Austria
Conducted Workshop, "Mammoth and Panoramic Photography," (with Michael A. Smith and Tillman Crane), Waterford Institute, Sandy, Utah
Conducted Workshop, "Vision and Technique" (with Michael A. Smith), Ottsville, Pennsylvania
Conducted Workshop, "Mammoth and Panoramic Photography," (with Michael A. Smith and Tillman Crane), Waterford Institute, Sandy, Utah
Conducted Workshop, "Vision and Technique" (with Michael A. Smith), Ottsville, Pennsylvania
Conducted Workshop, Waterford Institute (with Michael A. Smith), Sandy, Utah
Conducted Workshop, "Vision and Technique" (with Michael A. Smith), Ottsville, Pennsylvania
Conducted Workshop (with Michael A. Smith), Pforzhiem, Germany
Conducted Master Class (with Michael A. Smith), Montgomery College, Rockville, Maryland
Conducted two Workshops, "Vision and Technique" (with Michael A. Smith), Ottsville, Pennsylvania
Conducted Workshop in Pasadena, California (with Michael A. Smith)
Conducted Workshops in Ottsville, Pennsylvania (with Michael A. Smith)
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Bucks County Community College, Newtown, Pennsylvania
American Cultural Center, Prague, Czech Republic

Deep Springs College, Deep Springs, California
Photographic Archives Gallery, Dallas, Texas

Amarillo Museum of Art, Amarillo, Texas
Dallas Museum of Art, Dallas, Texas

Cornell University, Ithaca, New York
Center for Contemporary Art, Abilene, Texas
University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota
St. Petersburg Museum of Art, St. Petersburg, Florida
University of Memphis, Memphis Tennessee
Berkshire Museum, Pittsfield, Massachusetts
Messiah College, Grantham, Pennsylvania
Travis Gallery, New Hope, Pennsylvania
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Board of Advisors, Art and the Alabama Woman, Mobile, Alabama
Advisory Board of the American Sport Art Museum and Archives, United States Sports Academy, Daphne, Alabama
Juror, Camera South Exhibition, Mobile, Alabama
PBS documentary film about High Plains Farm, produced by KACV-TV, Amarillo, Texas
Conference Participant and Presenter: Large Format Conference, Albuquerque, New Mexico
Panel Member—On Collecting Photography, Travis Gallery, New Hope, Pennsylvania
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