Complete Workshop Description
These workshops are held here at our home and studio in Bucks County. Each workshop begins on Friday evening
at 7P.M. It will continue from 9:00 A.M. Saturday until well into the night, and on Sunday from about 9:30 A.M.
until approximately 4:00 P.M.
Our workshops are intense. Our objective is to help you develop your skills and give you the tools to make the best
photographs you possibly can. We will try to teach you everything we know about the fine art of black and white
photography, both visually and technically. We have no secrets.
On Friday evening, after dessert and tea and coffee, a time when we can begin to get to know each other, we take a
preliminary look at your photographs followed by a discussion of our own work and the things that go into its making.
On Saturday morning after breakfast we go into the darkroom for a printing demonstration. We demonstrate our printing
techniques and then apply them to negatives you have brought with you. We ask that you bring negatives that were
difficult to print, negatives that yielded satisfactory prints only after many hours of effort, or ones that never
did yield the print you had hoped for. Also bring the best prints (mounted or not) that you were able to make from
those negatives. Since we do not have an enlarger, we can only do this with negatives that do not need to be enlarged.
After a break for lunch we take our cameras into the field and demonstrate how we work. During this time we work with
each person individually and demonstrate a creative way to use a camera that will, in all likelihood, expand your way
of working. Although we will be using an 8x10 camera for this demonstration, this is valuable even if you work in 35mm.
During this afternoon there will be time for you to make your own negatives, so bring your camera and film.
In the evening we demonstrate developing film by inspection. There will not be time for you to develop your own
negatives you might have made that day.
We then have a large and leisurely dinner and general discussion into the night.
On Sunday morning we take a careful look at your photographs and discuss them in light of all that has gone before
during the weekend. Our hope is that by this time you will almost be able to anticipate everything we might say.
The more photographs you bring with you, the more helpful we can be. Bring as many as you would like us to look at,
though thirty or forty would be maximum. These photographs should be in as finished a form as possible and preferably
We look at participants' photographs both before and after brunch. At the end of the workshop, we can cover any topic
you like that we have not dealt with. Let us know if there is any specific aspect of photography, either technical or
visual, that you are interested in having us cover and we will do our best to do so.
We provide a light dessert and coffee/tea and other drinks on Friday evening, breakfast, lunch, and dinner on Saturday,
and brunch on Sunday. We prepare tasty, mostly vegetarian meals.
When you sign up we will send you directions and a list of nearby motels, inns, and B&Bs. As an alternative, you may
camp out on our land if you wish. We also send copies of relevant articles Michael has written.
The $100 deposit is non-refundable. The remaining workshop fee of $495 is due no later than one month before the
beginning of the workshop. In case of cancellation it will be refunded up to thirty days before the workshop. After
that time it will be refunded only if we can find a replacement participant. This policy was instituted due to two
recent last minute cancellations and one no-show.